A Place for Tolland Residents to help our neighbors and make a difference.

Who We Are

Tolland Cares is a non-profit organization based in Tolland, CT. We're a growing group of Tolland residents volunteering our time and resources to help our neighbors and make a difference in our local community.

We organize many charity and fundraiser events, maybe some you've been to or heard of?! We install wheelchair ramps and upgrade homes to be handicap-accessible. We do it all, including:

  • yard cleanups

  • deck and railing repairs

  • roof repairs, painting

  • heating

  • electrical

  • plumbing

This help will be provided to our Veterans, Persons with disabilities, the elderly, and those without the financial means to make repairs on their own. In the short term, we are trying to identify residents needing immediate help. In the long term, we would like to have projects set up ahead of time each year. Bigger projects require more planning. If we can plan ahead we can help more residents.

This is going to take a small army of dedicated volunteers, and no skills are required! All residents of all ages are welcomed. Many hands make light work.

Anyone that is interested in making this a success please reach out to george@tollandcares.com or by calling 860-2341501.

Our Supporters

Think Big. Act Bigger.

Caring For Our Community

Be sure to join our TOLLAND CARES Facebook group for up-to-date information on our projects and events or let us know if someone in Tolland who could use a little help from our caring community!

Be sure to join our TOLLAND CARES Facebook group for up-to-date information on our projects and events or let us know if someone in Tolland who could use a little help from our caring community!

Projects and Events

Together we make all the difference.

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